Avoid Food Crisis

Avoid world crisis, pending food shortages, and supply chain chaos.
We open our Redland, Florida private farm for good neighbors to grow and share free organic food.

Join Our Redland, Florida My Eco Hive Meet-Up

Food Share

In exchange for your good help on the farm, we grow food together and when we harvest
we share FREE food.

Connect with the land and learn how to live sustainably.

Private Indigenous Farm & Retreat Space
Join Our Hive. Thrive.


Get to meet good neighbors. Establish a support system for you and your family.
Learn survival, prepping and preparendenss.

Together, we will learn to SURVIVE & THRIVE in these uncertain times.

My Eco Hive Garden Club Meet
Sundays 1oam – 3pm

How it Works

EAT Inc, is an indigenous sharing society. Members and guests spend their time at the My Eco Hive host farm helping out on our farm or green spaces. They help to plant food and maintain the gardens, share information, and learn about permaculture, organic farming, and sustainability. Every member of our “Good Neighbors Garden Club” must work on the farm at least 4 hours a month to receive a free box of various foods and herbs grown on the farm during each harvest. Bringing and sharing healthy snacks and beverages is welcomed at the Meetup. This is a way to experience communal living in the heart of nature and practical farming skills.

The membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, regardless of experience. Group or family membership includes up to 8 members of your family or group. Each member thereafter must pay the $11 membership due per additional person. Membership is valid for one year from the day it is purchased. If you still pay the membership dues but do not participate in gardening activities, the food box you receive will be at a discounted rate. We encourage everyone who would like to work together to strengthen sustainable agriculture to be a part of EAT.

From time to time, EAT offers and hosts a variety of educational opportunities, including growing fruits and vegetables, survival and prepping, rainwater catchment, renewable energy, and construction projects.

We also host workshops in garden therapy, making value-added products like upcycling furniture, tires into stools, various arts and crafts, tonics, teas, and much more. We welcome you to be a part of the return to the land and agriculture movement.

Join Our Good Neighbors Garden Club Today!

Ecology Agriculture Trade, Inc. (EAT) & My Eco Hive Presents The Good Neighbors Garden Club Membership Dues: $ 11 month subscription for Individuals and $22 for Family/Groups, Up to 8 persons.

EAT Good Neighbors Garden Club @ My Eco Hive Redland, FL
Certified Wildlife Habitat.

The property is recognized for its commitment to sustainably providing the essential elements of wildlife habitat.

1. Be respectful to our members and our beautiful planet. Keep it clean, and green, and be healthy. Be willing to share knowledge and learn from others.

2. Be prepared to connect with nature. We are located in a natural setting where wildlife may be present. We're a certified wildlife habitat planting flora that attracts bees, butterflies, and native species. Using common sense should be common practice. If you see dangerous wildlife, do not approach it but bring it to the attention of the Farm Manager.

3. Wear comfortable clothing, sunhat, boots/farming footwear. It's advised to wear long pants and bring both a short sleeve/tank and long sleeve apparel. Pack water, face towel, and insect repellant.

4. We are located on private gated land. We are close to a nature preservation area where cell towers are not permitted. Your cell reception may be intermittent and spotty. Wifi is provided in one area of the farm to connect online or use wi-fi calling.

5. Be mindful of others and the peaceful environment of My Eco Hive, Redland, FL.

6. Everyone has a right to connect with nature and build and grow on the land in a way that is healthy and works for them. Respect indigenous and ancient practices of permaculture and sustainability. Some may plant bare feet or wear less clothing during hot weather.

7. Do not steal or intentionally damage property or equipment. Do not kill native species, flora, and fauna. We adhere to natural law and golden rule principles. Harm no one and let no one harm you. If you intentionally damage equipment or property, you are responsible for all expenses for the cost to repair or replace the item(s) damaged.

8. We are a sharing society. Bring and share healthy snacks and contributions.

9. Keep it clean, recycle, and compost. Dispose of trash in proper receptacles. Place compostable items in compost areas.

10. There is a three-strike warning for anyone who violates our policy and agreement. You will be given 2 warnings but on the third strike, your membership will be terminated and you will be immediately removed from the property.


Is this a religious or governmental organization?

No.  We are a private and independent social welfare organization and indigenous sharing society.  The more members breathe life, ideas and join or establish Eco Hives everywhere, povery would be eradicated overnight.   Create a better way with  E.A.T., powered for the people, by the people.  Though we are deeply spiritual, we are not a religious group and welcome all clean hands and a pure heart to join our alliance. 

Is E.A.T. Worldwide or only for Jamaica?

E.A.T. is worldwide in scope but Redland, Florida, and Jamaica is our pilot project.  Wherever we have members, we should have Eco Hives.  Collective Economics and like minds welcomed.   join us to create model sustainable villages worldwide.  Let’s build a place where we all can thrive!  MyEcoHive.com

What is the aim of E.A.T.?

We provide training and resources to those with lesser exposure, the benefits of a clean, green and healthy lifestyle and to inspire others to do the same.  Sustainability practices by indigenous people are adapted to help restore and enhance the natural balance of life.

Where is E.A.T. Registered?

Ecology Agriculture Trade, Inc. (E.A.T.) is registered in the State of Florida, USA, and Jamacia as an Indigenous Sharing Society.  We are also registered government contractors with the US government and members of the United Nations ECOSOC Program.

What is the social media network & marketplace?

In order for our members, vendors, and growers to interact and do business, we’ve developed our own social media business network.  Each member will be able to login to create a profile, add their information, highlight their mission, offer coupons, deals, sell products and more!

What about government or faith based org's?

Of course, everyone can help and join hands to make E.A.T. a great success.  We are leveling the playing field by offering socially disadvantaged producers and farmers an opportunity to receive market for their fresh produce.  By placing the power in the hands of the everyday grower, we will be able to grow and secure our OWN member-powered food alliance.

Donate Today or Get Involved

Help Provide Fresh Produce By Donating Today!